Unplug Blog
Little Free Libraries - Tiny, Tiny Homes Filled With Inspiration
If you have ever passed a house-shaped box with books inside you might have been curious about who set them up. Scattered across the globe are charming mini-libraries known as Little Free Libraries (LFLs).
Unplugged Inspiration: Jayme Sanders, Mint
This month, we are highlighting a woman who has been inspiring people to take time from screens and make beautiful things with their hands. Jayme Sanders has an amazing knack for finding unique crafts that are trending and making it something we could all replicate. Not a fan of social media herself, Jayme knows how to use it to inspire others but then put it aside so she can make connections IRL. Her artistry certainly begs to be photographed but as Jayme puts it, she encourages people to “stop pinning and start doing!”
People from all over the world took the time to rejuvenate and connect by participating in a global sign off Aug 1-2.
Unplug with Your Partner During the National Day of Unplugging
DatingNews explores the impact of tech on relationships and interviews National Day of Unplugging Communications Manager, Tanya Schevitz.
10 Years of National Day of Unplugging! What's in Store?
Celebrating 10 years of the National Day of Unplugging! See what’s in store.
National Day of Unplugging Wrap-Up 2018
After an exciting year with over 60,000 participants and 920 events across the country, we can't wait for what's next.
National Day of Unplugging Wrap-Up 2017
A wrap-up of our best National Day of Unplugging yet!
Unplug...Then What?
Author of Save the Deli and winner of the James Beard Award for writing and literature writes about what happens after you decide to unplug.
NDU 2017 Community Highlights
Read our highlights from 2017 and the great events we created with fun, dynamic partners! Rock climbing, yoga and mindfulness with Brooklyn Boulders, an Unplugged party in LA and more!
Unplugging of Your Own Design with LEGOS!
See how SoulPancake teamed up with professional LEGO artist, Adam Ward, to create a cell phone prison cell to keep your phone locked away while you unplug.
What's in it to #Unplug
How do you approach the end of the week? Our FRIDAY app helps you get into the unplugged mind-set.
Be Active - The Righteous Conversations Project
This video was created and gifted to Reboot by The Righteous Conversations Project, an initiative that connects and develops dialogues between students and Holocaust survivors. We’re proud to be a part of their network and to have this video to highlight the benefits of unplugging for the National Day of Unplugging 2016.
It's Easier Than You Think to #Unplug
Unplugging is the Mitzvah of the Month, from Rabbi Ronald Androphy of the East Meadow Jewish Center.
A Week Without a Phone
A life coach's story on how the loss of her phone led her to one of her own most coachable moments.
Unplug with Filmmaker Dominic White
Filmmaker and creator of DSKNECTD, Dominic H. White, answers some questions on his thoughts on going device-free.