Immortalize some Memories
Create a plaster keepsake vase with sea shells, coins and small mementos from your trips.
Create some Ephemeral Art
Grab a couple of artistic friends and create an ephemeral art project on the beach or somewhere out in nature. These works of art are created with a rake, nature and imagination.
Find your Balance
This project costs nothing but time and definitely helps to develop patience and bring out the Zen a little more in all of us.
Fun with Origami
Try creating this lotus candle holder which you can then light with a votive (or battery operated version) when you kick off your NDU practice.
Decorate a Lantern
Decorate on your own or organize a neighborhood gathering to decorate and hang lanterns in the trees for decoration, outside windows or on porches unifying your community!
Have a Board Game Night
Time to dust off Grandma’s board games and roll the dice. Board games are great for strategy and bringing people together.
Set up a Gnome Hunt
Set up a Gnome Hunt: Plant gnomes (or some other creature) in different locations and have people seek out to find all of them.
Create your own Scavenger Hunt
Can’t leave the house or want to do your own? Check out this list from Good Housekeeping for 22 DIY tips to set up your own hunt.