Decorate a Lantern
Decorating lanterns for the Light Up La Mesa event!
This is an activity that appeals to the young and old and can bring a little light to your community!
Purchase a paper lantern at stores like Walmart, Michaels, Amazon or the Paper Lantern Store. Here is a multipack with a variety of sizes that can be used for your event.
Decorate with paint or markers adding colorful pictures and uplifting words. Use holiday lights (stuffed inside) or buy a mini light here if people will take them home individually. Want to incorporate upcycling? Use old milk cartons.
Some event ideas for the lanterns include having a gathering at a community location, or faith-based organization. Have a street party where neighbors gather and make their own and then hang them in the trees for decoration. Afterwards, they can be taken home and used in windows or on porches unifying your community! Consider bringing these creations to businesses or nursing homes (along with letters that they will love!).
Here are instructions and design ideas for decorating your lanterns.
Three generations of families decorate lanterns together.
Daisy Troup decorating and delivering lanterns and cards to patients at a Skilled Nursing Facility.