Welcome to our Unplugged Village®

Since 2009, hundreds of thousands of Global (formerly National) Day of Unplugging participants have joined the movement to elevate human connection over digital engagement in their cities across the globe.

The Milken School participated in 2022 with activities for their middle and high schoolers.

Wonderland Elementary School has joined the movement hosting technology-free, fun, and family friendly activities since 2022.

This year, Wonderland is hosting an event on Saturday March 2nd, from 11-2.  There will be School yard games, table top games, felting, slime making, cardboard crafting, rock painting and live music from one of our school bands!

If you live in LA and would like to have unplugged programming in your neighborhood, consider joining us, as we all have a stake in building a healthy community!

Questions?? Contact us at info@unplugcollaborative.org

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Warren County, VA


Mürren, Switzerland